The Berrien County Health Department is reminding parents of the importance of keeping small children up to date on their vaccines.
Berrien County Health Officer Guy Miller tells us there’s a range of vaccinations children age two and under are supposed to have. However, not all parents are aware.
“We see about 5% of vaccination waivers, and that can be for a multitude of reasons,” Miller said. “We just want to remind parents to get their children vaccinated. At least have the conversation with your healthcare provider if you’re hesitant.”
The littlest ones should get their vaccines against illnesses like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, chicken pox, and measles. Miller says that last one is especially relevant with Michigan seeing cases of measles this year.
“We’ve seen the first case since 2019 and across the United States, there’s been about 125 cases of measles right now. About 46% of those are people under the age of five and about 58% of the total cases have been hospitalized.”
As part of National Infant Immunization Week, Miller encourages parents to check with their child’s doctor to make sure the child is all up to date. The Berrien County Health Department can also do that.