Senator Joe Manchin talks Biden, Trump in Detroit


Anything is possible. That’s what West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin told members of the Detroit Economic Club this week when asked if it was possible that President Biden gets switched out in a few months.

You’ve got President Trump with an awful lot of legal problems on his hands, and you’ve got people that maybe have concerns on President Biden,” Manchin said. “I just want to see people come back together. The Democrats is not your enemy if you’re a Republican. The Republican is not your enemy if you’re a Democrat. I can tell you where the enemies of our country are, and they’re not in our country, and they should not be.”

Manchin told the crowd at the Masonic Temple he’s met with both President Biden and former President Trump. He said he hasn’t seen any cognitive issues with either one.

Manchin also said the intense division we’ve seen in politics around the country is less of a threat to America than its debt.