Pro-Israel sign outside of Walberg’s office vandalized


A sign in support of Israel that Congressman Tim Walberg had posted outside his Washington office has been vandalized.

Walberg tells us he had a sign that said, “I stand with Israel” posted in the lobby area of the office. However, it was vandalized with two red handprints last week.

Walberg says it would be difficult to carry in supplies for something like that without being noticed, so he has an idea of who could be responsible.

“We’re assuming it was an inside job, some staff person,” Walberg said. “I don’t think it was a member of Congress that did it. I certainly hope not, but nonetheless, I think it was done to make a statement that they didn’t appreciate my stance on Israel.”

Walberg says despite his free speech being threatened, he won’t waver in his support for Israel.

“I stand firmly with Israel and will continue to do so and wish that some of my colleagues would ratchet down their — I would say – hate speech for Israel, ratchet down some of their misrepresentations of what’s going on. I think that’s only causing some of the foment to take place in our communities.”

Walberg says he had another sign put up, and the desecrated sign is also still hanging there. Despite pressure from opponents of Israel, Walberg says, “This only strengthens our resolve.”