NRC To Hold Cook Nuclear Plant Forum


An open house is set for next Tuesday in St. Joseph to help people learn more about the Cook Nuclear Plant from resident inspectors from the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NRC employees will be discussing the 2017 safety performance of the Bridgman facility from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Silver Beach Center. At the end of the year, all NRC inspection findings and performance indicators were green or of very low safety significance. As a result, the Cook plant remains under the NRC’s normal level of oversight, which includes thousands of hours of inspection each year. The NRC Reactor Oversight Process uses color-coded inspection findings and indicators to measure plant performance. The colors start at green and increase to white, yellow or red, commensurate with the safety significance of the issues involved. Inspection findings or performance indicators with more than very low safety significance trigger increased NRC oversight.