BH City Commissioners Assert Authority Over Construction Contracts


Complications arising from a traffic light replacement project have led the Benton Harbor City Commission to assert its authority on construction contracts. Commissioners last year approved some traffic light replacements near Pipestone and Wall Streets. Cornerstone Alliance has property there, and because some of the work extended to their sidewalk, it agreed to chip in up to $15,000. Mayor Marcus Muhammad told WSJM News the deal was organized by the city manager, and he thinks it should have been brought to the commission.

“Since we were really blindsided in finding out that Cornerstone Alliance was added to the public project to do private property work, there has to be some way where the city council can make sure that everything is above board,”Muhammad said.

The city manager approved the arrangement, and commissioners Monday approved a resolution stating only they can approve such contracts. Muhammad told us it’s all about transparency.